Legal Information

"nutricanis" is a brand of

Clovershell Ltd.
Emmanouel Roides Street, Kirzis Center, Block D, Office D25
3031 Limassol

Managing director:
Stefan Butzal

Phone: 00800 - 1111 7777*
*Free for callers (landline & mobile) from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.


Commercial registries:
Commercial register: Register of companies, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Cyprus
Company registration ID: HE 258899

CY10258899P, DE815444820

Responsible for contents:
Stefan Butzal

Sources of the used pictures and graphics:
Shutterstock |


The content of these pages has been compiled with greatest care. Clovershell Ltd. does not provide any warranty for the correctness and accuracy of the information provided. Clovershell Ltd. disclaims all liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly from use of this web site, unless Clovershell Ltd. disclaims any intent or gross negligence.

If Clovershell Ltd. refers directly or indirectly with hyperlinks to other Internet sites no liability can be assumed for the content of these linked websites. Clovershell Ltd. hereby declares that at the time of linking the linked pages did not contain any illegal content. Clovershell Ltd. has no influence on the current and future design and contents of linked pages. Any changes, which are made after the links to those sites were set up, are not subject to the influence of Clovershell Ltd.. Clovershell Ltd. is not liable for illegal, incorrect or uncomplete contents and especially for damages resulting from the use or non-use of the linked pages.

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All trademarks and brand names mentioned on the Website, which may be protected through third parties, are subject without limitation to the provisions of the applicable trademarks and the rights of title of the respective registered owners. The mere mention of such trademarks does not justify the conclusion that these trademarks are not protected through the rights of third parties.

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